Although they say that I'm a carnivoure, I prefer a bamboo diet, so I'm herbivourous. I love fruit and berries. Although small animals suit too. Anyway, I love eating all kind of stuff.
Хоть меня и считают хищником, но в основном я травоядный малый и питаюсь зачастую бамбуком. Люблю фруктики, ягодки. Не против мелкой живности. Кароч люблю покушать.
Although they say that I'm a carnivoure, I prefer a bamboo diet, so I'm herbivourous. I love fruit and berries. Although small animals suit too. Anyway,
I love eating all kind of stuff.
Although they say that I'm a carnivoure, I prefer a bamboo diet, so I'm herbivourous. I love fruit and berries. Although small animals suit too. Anyway, I love eating all kind of stuff.
У все наших уникальный рисунок маски, одинаковых не встретишь. Камуфляж довольно хорош для нашего животного мира. Да и стилёво смотрится,
что не говори.
Each of our guys has a unique mask pattern, you won't find any identical.This camouflage is cool in the animal world. Moreover, it looks classy, whatever you say.
Each of our guys has a unique mask pattern, you won't find any identical.This camouflage is cool in the animal world. Moreover, it looks classy, whatever you say.
Each of our guys has a unique mask pattern, you won't find any identical.This camouflage is cool in the animal world. Moreover, it looks classy, whatever you say.
Each of our guys has a unique mask pattern, you won't find any identical.This camouflage is cool in the animal world. Moreover, it looks classy, whatever you say.
Although they say that I'm a carnivoure, I prefer a bamboo diet, so I'm herbivourous. I love fruit and berries. Although small animals suit too. Anyway, I love eating all kind of stuff.
Although they say that I'm a carnivoure, I prefer a bamboo diet, so I'm herbivourous. I love fruit and berries. Although small animals suit too. Anyway, I love eating all kind of stuff.